Diana Lopez


I was born into a Catholic family and was raised in the Church but didn’t really take ownership of my faith until college. I struggled a lot with anxiety and hit a really low point as a freshman when I finally decided to recommit my life to God. I got very involved with a Christian organization on my campus where I experienced the power of Christ-centered community and really grew to have a deep personal relationship with Jesus. Throughout that time, I pretty much stopped practicing my Catholic faith altogether, as I wasn’t able to connect with anyone my age who had faith in our Church and began to believe the lie that Catholicism was not centered around Jesus but only tradition. By the time I was going to graduate college, I knew the Lord was calling me to become a full-time missionary and I planned to join one of the protestant organizations I was connected with on campus. But before I could do that, I had a pretty radical encounter with God in prayer, where He asked me clearly to not only stay Catholic but to become a missionary for the Catholic Church. It took me a while, but I began going back to mass and seeking Catholic community, and the Lord began to soften my heart and open my eyes to the truth of our Faith.

Through a pretty crazy “coincidental” series of events, I ended up becoming a missionary with FOCUS, where I served as a campus missionary in Colorado for 5 years. In 2019, I moved back to San Antonio and became a campus minister at the university where I had my reversion! And then, about a year ago, I decided to move back to CO and pursue my graduate degree in Theology at the Augustine Institute, where I will graduate this Fall.

During my time in TX as a Campus Minister, I was supported by and connected with the organization I now work for, Newman Ministry. At Newman I get to do all of the things I am most passionate about combined (ministry, leading small groups, retreats and pilgrimages, teaching the truth of the Catholic faith through media, etc.). It was definitely God’s providence that led me to Newman as a CM and I am so grateful that I now have the opportunity to be a part of the mission to help others as they serve God and college students on campus.

Although my story has had many ups and downs, I am so grateful for the way God has led me and used every single thing for my good and His glory. I hope to continue doing my part in building up His kingdom by supporting His Church through the work I get to do with Newman and beyond!


Mathieu Phillippe


Edmund Mitchell