Saying yes to Jesus
These are the stories that create Yes Catholic.
Megan Turland
Hi, I’m Megan Turland and I am a disciple, wife, mother of four, author, speaker and mentor on a mission to help others grow, flourish and become who God created them to be.
Zach Zaldivar
I was raised the third of four boys in a small town in Minnesota, with a mother who was determined to keep her sons Catholic, which translated to going to a Catholic grade school and mass attendance each weekend.
Jennifer Nelson
This can't just be “my” story. Without the fiat of others, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics of St. Gianna wouldn't have happened. God’s hand was in it all.
Fr. Matt Wheeler
I grew up in Minnetonka, MN and I’m the middle of five children. My wonderful parents planted many seeds in simple and ordinary ways, and I have no doubt my priestly vocation is mostly due to their love and deep faith.
Ryan O’Hara
First, I began a 25 year career serving college students as a Catholic Campus Minister at University of Missouri where I met and married my wife, Jill. We believed God brought us together to be on mission and to bring as many souls to Jesus as possible.
Marcellino D’Ambrosio
Born the son of a Ph.D. historian and homeschooled for most of my childhood, I was fortunate to grow up steeped in the story of humankind. When I wasn’t drawing, reading, or inventing, I was asking questions.
Jacob Ciccarelli
I spent the last decade building a career in B2B tech, leading high-performing teams and helping scale three startups. It was rewarding, and I believe it prepared me for what was next.
Austin Habash
As a child, I was deeply influenced by my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Lane, who was devout and outspoken about attending Mass every Sunday. She even offered to take us herself if our parents couldn’t.
Cameron Riecker
I was raised Catholic, but during my youth, the faith was more of a background noise than a guiding light in my life. The rituals and traditions were part of my routine, yet my heart wasn't fully in it.
Sean Beeson
My passion for music also lead me to eventually meet my wonderful wife Laura. We met in highschool, and shared our love of God, our Catholic faith, and music!
Omar Camacho
Within a short time the Lord opened incredible doors for me and has led me to capture the beauty of the Catholic faith in ways I never would have imagined. Including getting to document at the National Eucharistic Congress.
Justine Callis
My story begins in the Protestant Church, long before I ever knew what the word Protestant even meant. I’m the baby of 5 kids and had a beautiful upbringing in a Christian home. I remember giving my life to Jesus when I was just a little girl.
Fr. Ryan Nigli
I was born in Etobicoke to loving parents who emigrated from India. It was at home where the seeds of my faith were sown.
Sr. Michelle Elizabeth
It is a mission centered on bringing Christ to the aged and infirm, as well as encountering Him through them.
Michael Acaldo
For almost three and a half decades, I have been surrounded by people that have put their faith into action by sharing Christ’s love to the most vulnerable. This has shaped me in a remarkable way.
André Regnier
For over three decades, André Regnier has been a pivotal figure in the new evangelization. As co-founder of Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) alongside his wife, Angèle, André has spent 36 years inspiring university students and Catholics worldwide to embrace their faith.
Andy Davoli
I was born in Syracuse, New York, the middle of five children, in a proud Italian-American family. Raised as a cradle Catholic, I received all my sacraments and even served as an altar boy. From a young age, I was deeply fascinated by God and eternity.
Daja Britton
I wanted to run from Catholicism. Before my sophomore year, I transferred to a Christian academy. I did not know how I would afford it but the Lord provided. Somehow, I returned to the program, joined a Catholic youth group, and participated in Catholic retreats.