Justine Callis
Hi! My name is Justine. I am a Catholic convert and the founder of @theologyofconversion.
My story begins in the Protestant Church, long before I ever knew what the word Protestant even meant. I’m the baby of 5 kids and had a beautiful upbringing in a Christian home. I remember giving my life to Jesus when I was just a little girl.
I became a gymnast as a toddler and went on to have a 20 year career—gymnastics really shaped who I am today! As a teenager I was baptized, mentored, and exposed to a thriving evangelical megachurch. I went on to do NCAA gymnastics at Arizona State University where I began working in student ministry.
After completing my undergraduate degree, I worked full-time for a Protestant, evangelical megachurch. This experience was very positive as I was surrounded by faithful Christians who truly lived out missionary discipleship and executed ministry with excellence.
Then one day, my life changed forever.
I met one person who shared about the Eucharist and Magisterium with me. Never in my life had I heard that the Catholic Church claimed to be the original Christian Church established by Jesus, or that the Church claimed the Eucharist was the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus, or that there was a visible, hierarchical structure protected by the Holy Spirit.
For some time following this encounter, I would slip into the back of Catholic Masses and Adoration chapels, devour books about the Jewish roots of Catholicism, listen to debates between Catholics and Protestants, and weep in prayer over the division in Christianity and turmoil I was experiencing amidst my pursuit of truth. Throughout this heavy discernment season, the Lord gifted me many precious images in prayer and placed just the right people in my path. I eventually decided that if just two things were true… nothing else would matter. If the Eucharist was truly Jesus Christ (1) and if the Magisterium was truly established by Jesus and protected by the Holy Spirit (2), where else would I go?
On April 3, 2021 I was received into full communion with the Catholic Church. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.
I am now a graduate student studying Catholic Theology. I recently founded ‘Theology of Conversion’—which exists to equip Catholics in drawing their Protestant friends home. I am engaged to @truthcharting and am profoundly excited to be marrying a man who is passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission.
Thank you, David, for having me on Yes Catholic. Pax et Bene!