Fr. Matt Wheeler


I grew up in Minnetonka, MN and I’m the middle of five children.  My wonderful parents planted many seeds in simple and ordinary ways, and I have no doubt my priestly vocation is mostly due to their love and deep faith.  

Fortunately, I never had a major departure from Catholicism, but I definitely had a lot of “waking up” to do as I matured.  I had an intellectual conversion in high school when I read C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity.  Its profound explanations of the basics of Christianity did lots to bolster my faith and led me to discover other great books that continue to nourish my soul to this day. 

My transition to college at the University of Southern California (USC) began a spiritual journey from the head to the heart.  Leaving home was extremely difficult and I suffered terribly from homesickness.  Looking back, I can see that God used this difficult experience to get me out of my comfort zone, grow my faith, and introduce me to His will for my life.  Thankfully, I connected with USC’s campus ministry where I met incredible people who blew up my false stereotypes of “weird church people.”  I made great friends and was nourished in faith.  During my sophomore year, the parish priest asked me: “Matt, have you ever thought about being a priest?”  In truth, I’d thought about it, but lacked confidence and clarity.  Plus, I was curious to meet a good Catholic girl now that my faith was more important to me.  In consultation with my spiritual director, I did some dating and eventually met a wonderful Catholic.  She taught me what true love is all about and we grew leaps and bounds together.  During these years I tried to remain open to God’s will whether that meant marriage or priesthood, but I sincerely thought marriage was my vocation.  

That all changed one day during the spring semester of my senior year.  I remember I was in the church praying when I clearly sensed God saying: “Matt, what about the priesthood?”  It shook me up because marriage was on the horizon, and I had an accounting job lined up for after graduation.  In the end, I couldn’t shake God’s question and I found my desire to follow Jesus down the path of the priesthood irresistible.  After graduating, I entered St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, CA as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and I was ordained a priest in 2018.  I’ve served in two parishes and now I am the pastor back at USC (full circle!).  I’m so happy and love being a priest.    


Jennifer Nelson


Ryan O’Hara