Andrew Santos
I sort of wish that universities, today in our age, had a program where you can obtain a Masters in Relational Ministry, besides the various theology, philosophy and pastoral care courses and programs that they already offer.
If they did, I envision myself being that student in class and Christ being the instructor.
My life and entire ministry can be described as someone who strives to be that kind of Master in all things. With scripture and service at the heart of my work, I find strength and resolve, knowing that with the woman at the well, Zacchaeus in the tree or Matthew the tax collector, Jesus was relational in all things, yet looked them in the eye, loved them for who they are and put them first.
That is my personal motto as I strive everyday to walk in the goodness of the Lord. Over time, scripture and service have been my quilt and Christ has been the thread that has held my life together.
The turning point for my life in faith was when I was 14 at a Journey to the Father Youth Conference in eastern Ontario. Experiencing Adoration and a powerful sense of His unconditional love pushed me to begin this journey of discovering that God is real, tangible and alive in the world. Not only is He alive sacramentally, but He is alive in the everyday person that I encounter or brokenness that I may experience personally or in the lives of others that I'm now privileged to minister to. Journey to the Father was the catalyst for change in my life and a powerful wake-up-call to be change for God in the world. To live in the world and not of it.
That powerful realization of Christ's presence in the Eucharist pushed me to take my faith seriously in high school and post-secondary from involvement in parish life, to Chaplaincy Council, Campus Ministry, pastoral Ministry and so on. God and His infinite wisdom has been at the heart of every moment and every decision of my life as I discern how I can bring about the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. I describe my relationship with Him as incessant and fulfilling.
With thanks to positive role models, chance encounters with God here and abroad and a hunger for Christ in the sacraments, I can truly say that God is good because He has been faithful to me in the joy and struggle.