Eric Chow


I got used to wearing masks long before COVID.

Growing up I felt that I had to live my life based on what others thought of me, which held power over my actions and choices. Constantly changing this invisible mask eventually became too much and I began to wonder more deeply who I really was. As a young adult Jesus broke into my life and overwhelmingly answered that question.

Through an invitation of a friend I found myself at a church event, something I was not used to. It was there, as I was kneeling in the church that I encountered Jesus personally. I was on my own. There wasn't any music or prayers. I also remember being distracted by a pretty girl! But it was there that Jesus became so real to me. I was overwhelmed by Him. By His love. I made a conscious decision to follow Him with my life.

And the masks began to fall. Slowly I began to understand who God created me to be. Being a disciple of Jesus isn’t a one time decision, and with every decision He has restored my identity as a son of Our Father in heaven. And as a son I have learned to be a husband, father to five amazing littles, friend, and missionary.

For close to 20 years I have had the privilege of working on the front lines of evangelization. First with a lay missionary movement, CCO, and now with the Archdiocese of Vancouver. As director of the Archdiocese’s Proclaim Movement I have the opportunity to help “awaken disciples to proclaim Jesus” and it has been an incredible adventure. It isn’t always easy working for an Archdiocese. There are so many needs and unique circumstances. I’m also often humbled, not just in realzing my own shortcomings but through the incredible faith of pastors and lay people serving our parishes.


Steadfast Worship


Dr. Andrew & Sarah Swafford