Kaitlyn Mathieson


Hi Friends, my name is Kaitlyn - Kait to many! I was born and raised in Stratford, Ontario. My family has always had an incredible influence on my faith life. My dad being the 2nd youngest of 9 growing up in a large catholic family - going to mass was routine. My mom, a Catholic convert, in many ways changed the way faith was lived in our family, it went from a passive routine to active and alive. Growing up witnessing my mom devote so much time to personal prayer and the sacraments gave me a model to aspire to. Despite having a prayer life from a young age, I was heavily influenced by my need to be liked and seeing the approval of others as my seal of approval. I had many friends in various social circles and I had a people pleasing personality that made me into a chameleon. My dad was the mayor of our city from when I was 4 years old till I was 24 years old. I felt as though my identity was wrapped into much of what others expected me to be. Being acutely aware of labels placed on me by others paired with my struggle with crippling anxiety was suffocating.

My first year of highschool was a tornado of all these factors spinning to a head and my mom in her wisdom decided that we would go on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Within days of finishing grade 9 we hopped on a plane. During those 10 days, though gently, I had a transformative encounter with Jesus. While it took me a couple of days to settle into the pilgrimage - grappling with the fact I was missing "all" the summer fun my friends back home were having, on the third day, our Lord lifted this fear of missing out completely off my shoulders. It was through lifting this fear that the door was opened in my heart to be made completely new. I always say this was through the intercession of Mary, Our Blessed Mother and my mother for I know both of these mommas were fervently praying for me. It was there in Medjugorje during a healing service, I felt as though the layers of scales fell off and I was simply me. For the first time I felt totally delighted in being nothing other than myself.

Returning home was difficult because I knew that I was being called to a different way of living and a different way of thought too. Thankfully, the week upon returning there was a local youth group going to a Steubenville Conference at Franscican University. It was at Franciscan I not only discovered a way of worship which made my heart come alive, I met friends whom I still have today. Community centered on Christ is everything. I remember being told that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with and that largely influences how I desire to be intentional in my friendships.

As a young adult now, finishing my nursing degree, living on my own, I believe that Jesus is the foundation. While life since my 2014 conversion has not been smooth sailing, the crosses I have carried such as recovering from an eating disorder and broken relationships - I have renewed confidence that the Lord truly does work all things together for good and write straight our crooked lines. Realizing that each of us have an important role in building the Kingdom makes me emotional. No longer do I live striving, in Christ I have the freedom to abide in my truest identity - His Beloved one. My prayer is that through Christ in me, others may come to experience the transforming love of His love too!


Kira & Jeff Andrea


Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers