Perpetua Charles


I like to open any conversation about what my faith means to me by telling the story of my name, Perpetua.

My parents are Haitian immigrants who have lived in the United States for over 35 years. Many Haitian Catholics share a devotion to Mother Mary under the title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Her image was brought to the country in the 19th century, and her intercession is credited with healing Haiti’s citizens from a deadly epidemic. My mother says that shortly after I was born, Our Lady of Perpetual Help appeared to her in a vision. She exhorted her to consecrate me to her by name and promised her that I would receive an abundance of blessings throughout my life. My mother imitated Mary in her fiat and said, “yes.”

I was born in a suburb outside of Boston, MA, but I learned to practice my faith as a Haitian girl first. Weekly charismatic worship, Mass said in Haitian Creole, daily prayers said in Creole and in French, and youth activities like traditional liturgical dance were a consistent part of my life. The deep need of Haiti’s people and of the Haitian diaspora infused our prayers with a fervor that communicated to me how incredibly dependent we are on the Lord for our daily bread and for His graces of fortitude and perseverance.

I took so much of that experience for granted as a young girl. When my family moved to Central Florida at the start of my high school career, I was challenged in unexpected ways to take ownership of my faith. The move was very difficult on our family. Choosing hope and faith amidst the onset of many mental health struggles felt impossible at times. Several times over the last 20 years, I have been brought to my knees when I thought I could be the master of my own life. In His mercy, God returns me again and again to that receptive place of my girlhood where my faith and culture met. I find solace and connection to the Lord in communities of prayer, and I love to share my spirituality, which was shaped by my heritage, with everyone I meet.

I’m looking forward to sharing more of my story with all of you soon!


Katie Warner


Alex Dee