Chenele Shaw


God has such an amazing sense of humor.

My story starts in a small town in Central Florida. I came up in a seasonally catholic Caribbean family and I went to a small local catholic school from preschool to 8th grade. In 8th grade my parents divorced which, at the time, I thought was amazing (two Christmas vibes). At that point my faith had only been something I saw as a means of education and a few cool summer trips.

When I started public high-school I was beyond excited to be in an environment where I could be cool, make friends, and go to all the parties. Well, I did and it resulted in me getting kicked out of high-school my junior year. After a very uncomfortable conversation with my mom about how I managed to have a 0.5 gpa after telling her I had been on the honor roll, I was grounded for the foreseeable future. The only thing my parents allowed me to go to was the high school at my former parish youth group because maybe those kids made better choices and could be better influences.

At that point I was pretty sure I had a firm handle on my view of religion and the Lord. I was sure that God was just a means of comfort to people and not anything worth paying attention or devoting my life to. After being accepted back into high school, I was invited to a retreat at my old parish. To be honest, I think the only reason I went was because I wanted to have some time away from my parents so I spent the weekend in a small group, adoration, and listening to talks from my peers.

I remember thinking that if God was real and these people believed so strongly that it would be worth a little more investigating. So, I decided to attend weekly youth group, mass, and bible study. I dove headfirst into having a relationship with God. God took my small yes and a few years later I found myself discerning religious life and starting my first year at Ave Maria University.

Following a discernment trip with a few girlfriends, I felt the Lord asking me to finish college and teach theology post graduation. So, post graduation, I moved to Louisiana and taught theology at a small school south of New Orleans. It was one of the worst years of my life that fractured my faith so much I contemplated leaving the church but the Lord had different plans. That following year I spontaneously applied for a youth ministry position at a local parish in Denver Colorado. I had never wanted to be a youth minister and thought that I could be much more serious catholic teaching serious faith in a classroom. There’s no way that I could communicate the faith to young people playing mini golf right? Well, three years later I was playing mini golf with some of my youth group kids and praising God for His guidance. What a wild sense of humor.

Following my time in Denver I discerned the Lord asking me to leave ministry and I wasn’t sure if or when I would be coming back. I moved to Philadelphia to start graduate school and right before my first semester the whole world was struck by the Covid 19 pandemic. I was also let go from my job so I was completely confused. What could God possibly have in mind? I had to postpone school and figure out a way to pay my bills so for a year and a half I managed a local Philly Cheesesteak restaurant. In the throes of a pandemic and feeling like I was not any closer to my goal of starting school, I moved back home with my parents to Florida. This was definitely not on my 2021 vision board.

I am a firm believer that God has a way of laying out your steps and sharing even when you’re not paying attention.

After a few months of looking for a job, I applied to be an administrative assistant at a local University CCM. I was anxious to get started working and dip my toe back into ministry. I happily worked there for a few months before being asked to interview for a different position, The Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Orlando.

I laugh about my story now and not only how funny God is but how patient. There were many times I firmly believed I knew what was in my best interest. Many times where I thought I had everything planned out. Thinking about it now I smile as I sit at my desk working to lead young people to know the Lord in their parishes and youth groups. My same diocese I doubted and came to know the Lord many years ago as a teenager. I learned that my life truly belongs to Him and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Fifteen year old Chenele would have not believed me but God has an amazing sense of humor.


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