Adam & Katie Luangkhot


Discerning any vocation is hard because each one is uniquely beautiful in it’s own way. Adam and I each went through phases of our lives where we thought we felt the nudge from God to discern vocations other than marriage. I can distinctly remember being a 16 year old and completely terrified of the unknown journey of pregnancy, labor and postpartum and that alone led me to consider becoming a religious. I later discovered through time and prayers that I was definitely called to be a mother, since teaching was my primary passion. As for Adam, he grew much deeper in his faith during his college years, and as he worshiped at the masses and served as the Priest’s assistant, he considered discerning the Priesthood. The one thing which hindered his discernment, though, was something important which was very close to his heart and that was becoming a father and raising those children. I believe that God puts things on our hearts for a reason and they are there, knit into our very being, for this exact purpose. To discover who we are made to be and why we are here in this world.

Adam and I met in college and connected instantly. Two freshman’s, one from Georgia the other from NY and we just happened to collide within the first few days of Freshman Orientation. To make sure we became friends God even took it a step further because my roommate was Adam’s best friend from church at the time! Nothing is a coincidence, the way God plans things is truly fascinating. As our college time passed, our friendship deepened and so did our care for each other. It was no surprise to anyone when Adam asked me out halfway through that semester. We were both happier than ever and I recall writing in my journal “He’s the one for me”, which I understand seems silly since we had only known each other for a few months.

He came to NY to visit me that summer and meet my family- things were getting serious. Too serious, actually because my dad pulled us both aside and spoke with us about how we should prayerfully consider being in such a serious relationship this early into our college years was prudent. He said “If God wants this, regardless of whatever may happen now, your paths will always find each other” This of course was the opposite of what I wanted to hear but it planted a small seed in Adam which had grown by the end of that summer. When I returned to the campus for the next semester he explained to me why he felt it was best for us to remain friends and to focus on our studies. I was completely heartbroken but understood when he said that he could never ask my father permission to marry me unless he respected my fathers wishes first. This did cause a lot of sadness and difficulties for us both and it was too hard to remain friends at a distance. Ultimately we both found different groups of friends, and Adam actually left the school entirely. He transferred elsewhere in Junior year which resulted in us completely losing touch.

During this time apart we both ironically ended up in very controlling and hurtful relationships with other people which sadly went on for almost 2 years. Even though Adam and I had lost touch, it was wild to look back on it and see how we were both struggling and hurting, just trying to figure out what God wanted in our lives. That was a really depressing time in my life and I can't remember a day that went by without me praying the rosary. I prayed for God to literally bring the man into my life I was supposed to be with. Randomly one day Adam reached out to me through Facebook and it was like we picked up right where we left off. Everything literally fell into place and we would talk every day on Facebook, just briefly. He finally asked me for my phone number and I waited a few days before I gave it to him, thinking he would call me immediately which of course he did not! I waited a while, and one night I remember looking at my cell phone as an incoming call came in and seeing the digits from Adam's old cell phone from college made me nervous and giddy at the same time. I stared at the screen for a moment until someone in my family said, "Katie are you going to answer that??" and realized my chance was slipping away.

That phone call lasted over 8 hours and was one of the best conversations Adam and I had. We laughed, we got emotional, and we just spent that time catching up over the past two years of our lives that we had lost contact. It was really incredible. The rest is honestly history, we continued our friendship and Adam would call me regularly until one day he showed up at my Church where I was working to surprise me for a weekend visit!! It was Easter Sunday- I remember it vividly because I was so nervous! I was singing in the choir and couldn't even sit with him in the pew. He had to drive to the Church and sit with my Mom!! I was so nervous I could barely sing. When the Vigil was over and we all came back to my house, Adam sat with me and my family for hours just enjoying each other's company. When he left that night I could not express the amount of joy I had in my heart when my mother embraced me and said, "He is such a gentleman and a wonderful young man! Katie I am so happy for you!" because I ultimately knew that this was God's plan finally taking action and bearing fruits in our lives. Shortly after that visit, Adam continued pursuing me as well as my family and would frequently visit whenever he had time off. That winter on Christmas Eve after I sang at the mass he totally blew me away by surprising me asking me to be his wife. Never have I experienced or felt so much joy as I did that day, as I still do every day when I look at him, this man God intended for me to marry and build a life with. God is so good, and He never fails to give us exactly what we need, when we need it!


Brendan Gotta


Chenele Shaw