Jessica Bond


Tēnā koutou (hello everyone)! I didn’t grow up in a Catholic, or even Christian household. I met Jesus in the middle of my parents divorce unexpectedly in a Baptist Church in Christchurch, New Zealand when I was 11 years old. I encountered His love and comfort before even knowing His name.

When I was 14 our family started to attend a Catholic Church, and honestly I disliked it. I had no idea what was going on, why the priest was wearing a dress or what the bells were about, and at Mass most weeks I curled up on the stairway at the back of the church. I didn’t understand the Mass, but I still loved Jesus, so I was Baptised but refused to be Confirmed into the Church.

It took until I was 19 for me to own my Catholic faith. I went to an incredible Summer School called @hearts.aflame and being around 100+ other Catholic young adults, having meals with religious, encountering the Lord through praise & worship, plus the deep theology convicted me that the Catholic Church was where I wanted to call home.

At 21 I received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and for a reason I still don’t understand the Bishop allowed me to have two Confirmation Saints - St Cecilia and St Rose of Lima. Perhaps he had a feeling I would need the extra prayers!

Life with the Lord, once I surrendered it all to Him, has been a wild yet faithful ride. Wild, in that giving Him my “fiat” has led me all over the world on mission with Him, to explore religious life with the @mglsisters and attend @bssmredding as a Catholic. And, faithful, in that He’s never left my side no matter how faithful or faithless I’ve been to Him. He’s carried me through disasters like earthquakes, and heartache, set me free from addiction and called me Beloved the whole time.

Right now life with Jesus at 29 looks like living in Australia, and creatively sharing the Jesus I know through the ministry @saltandgoldcollection . I’m desperate for the world to know the Jesus I’ve met!


Edmund Mitchell


Brendan Gotta