Heather Khym


I grew up in a Catholic home, received the sacraments, and went to Mass every Sunday, but it wasn't until I was 14 years old and attended a youth conference that I met Jesus in a personal way for the first time. I was in the middle of a crowd of people and someone came up to me and asked to pray with me for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life. I was no one to be noticed, just a shy kid with a hidden heart full of pain, but when the presence of God came upon me I had a profound experience of being intimately known and seen by the Lord who deeply loves me.

It set me on a path of pursuing Christ and pursuing a life of meaning and holiness. The fire of evangelization was lit within me at a young age and I haven't been able to shake it. Over the years I have served on missionary evangelization teams, studied theology at Franciscan University, worked at parishes, started a ministry called Life Restoration with my husband, launched a podcast called Abiding Together with some of my best friends, and spoken at conferences and events.

Life with Christ has been my greatest adventure. I have seen amazing miracles before my eyes, watched people encounter Jesus and be healed by Him, and have felt His presence in tangible ways, but more important than any of the exciting ministry moments, I have personally experienced the love, healing, and mercy of God in such profound ways and it is changing me. Jesus is everything to me and I'm so grateful for His faithful, steady, presence and love in my life. My heart burns for the world to experience the restoration and the fullness of life that only Christ can provide.


Mike Sibal


Brantley Rutz