Mike Sibal


Hello! My name is Mike Sibal and for as long as I can remember, the Catholic Faith has been part of my life. However, being Catholic wasn’t always part of my heart. Growing up in a Filipino American Catholic Household, I was exposed to Catholicism at a young age: the Rosary, Mass, Novenas, statues of Jesus/Mary/the Saints is what being Catholic meant to me, and I never questioned what any of these things were, or why they mattered. Since my grandparents (who were extremely devoted to the Rosary) raised me, I knew how to pray the Rosary by 6 years old. At family gatherings, my relatives would ask me to lead the Rosary and would joke around telling me I would be a priest one day...I hated it.

Fast forward to high school and college, my friends still knew me as “the religious” one, and just like the whole priest thing, I did not like it. So during these years, I truly tried to find myself in the world. I tried to live like a “normal teenager” and eventually a “normal young adult” to fit in with my friends and my secular college university at the time. After focusing on school, graduating and eventually finding a job in the medical field, I was still going to Mass and still praying occasionally, but only because this was part of my cultural identity as a Filipino American Catholic. That all changed when my best friend (who was discerning priesthood at the time) invited me to adoration with a Catholic young adult group he had just joined. Up to this point in my life, I had not heard about adoration, so I had no idea what he was inviting me to. Very reluctantly, I said yes. The night of adoration came and I had no idea what to expect. When I arrived the church was dark and dimly lit by a few candles. Hesitant to be there, I sat at the very back of the Church. After the Eucharist was exposed, I had no idea what to do. A band started playing praise and worship songs, I saw people standing up, some prostrating on the ground, so I quickly reached for something I’ve always been familiar to: the Rosary.

As I mindlessly prayed the Rosary to pass time, I looked up at a large icon of Mary off to the side of the altar. As I looked at her, something very strange but amazing happened. All of a sudden, the only thing I could see was the icon of Mary (everything else seemed to disappear). She looked as if as if she was glancing over to where the monstrance was exposed, then she looked directly at me! Out of nowhere, I then heard the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard say to me: “I want you to do more for my Son.” At that moment, tears began to roll down my face, and my first instinct was to get up for some air as soon as possible. On my way to the backdoor of the church, I saw a large mural of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the wall, so I decided to kneel in front of her instead. Kneeling and still pretty shook up, I looked up and asked her what just happened. I heard no words this time, I just saw her beautiful smile looking down at me. At this, I began to feel peace. Starting that night, my journey with Mary to Christ began.

After this moment of grace I had with Our Lady, I began to change everything about my spiritual life. I returned to confession for the first time in 10+ years, I began reading Catholic Books (especially on Mary), I began to pray the Rosary more fervently, and I even joined the Catholic Young Adult group my best friend was part of. It was also during this time that my mom surprised me with a belated graduation present: a pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines of Europe and the Holy Land! Everything about the Pilgrimage was amazing, but to sum it up, this trip truly enhanced and animated the zeal the Lord was already giving me, so much so that when I returned to the United States, I formed a lay Catholic young adult group of my own called SWMR – which stands for the Scriptural World Mission Rosary. My core team and I would bring a statue of Mary into homes, parishes, youth groups, schools etc. and not only pray the Rosary with the community, but teach on the significance of Mary in our Christian Faith. To this day, the fruits of this ministry can still be seen in our community, praise God!

Fast forward to 2017, the call of Mary that I received that night in adoration became even more specific. During my conversion, I began to read and re-read Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC’s books on his conversion, and Our Lady. Moved and inspired by his story, I made it a point to attend all his talks when he came to San Diego and soon, a friendship formed. Through this friendship, he invited me to one of the “Come and See” weekends he hosted as the Vocations Director of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception in Steubenville, Ohio. While I wasn’t necessarily discerning religious life, my openness to God’s plans at the time eventually brought me to Steubenville one weekend. While I was there, everything about this community resonated with my heart and my spiritual life. Their love for Mary, their zeal to save souls, their devotion to the Divine Mercy and their solid worship of the Holy Eucharist really attracted me.

After returning back to San Diego, I discussed all that was on my heart with my spiritual director at the time, and after a few weeks of discernment, I finally decided that I would apply to the Marians of the Immaculate Conception. When the week came for me to finally submit my application, I jokingly asked Mary to send me a clear sign that she truly wanted me to join this religious community. On February 10th (The eve of the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes who appeared with a yellow rose on each foot) I asked her to show me an abundance of yellow flowers if I really was meant to be a Marian...to hear the rest of my story you’ll have to tune in on Sunday! There is so much more grace to be discussed. May Mary continue to lead us and guide us to Jesus always. Totus Tuus, Ave Maria!


Joe Condit


Heather Khym