Jackie Mulligan


Hi, everyone! My name is Jackie Mulligan; I am the CEO (Chief Eucharistic Officer) and Foundress of Reform Wellness. Reform is a Christ-Centered Wellness Ministry.

The Holy Spirit led my journey to Reform; after years of self-reliant striving, stress, and compromised health as a result of trying to attain what the world demanded of me, through God's grace, I was able to reclaim my identity, healing, and wholeness in Christ. I founded Reform to help others reclaim their health and become fully alive in Christ in body and soul. I brought together my passions for wellness, faith, and education. Today, I live this out with the best team and community worldwide.

St. Ignatius of Loyola says: if you wish to reform the world: reform yourself; otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. My journey started with a great big "yes," and every day, I say "yes" to Christ over and over again. For years I relied solely on myself, which led to burnout, stress, and eventually compromised health. Through countless hours spent in adoration (where Reform was built!), I found a simpler way: a way centered on Christ. Jesus invited me to reform my life, so I chose to invite Him into mine, giving Him my fiat, my wholehearted "yes."

Everything changed when I received the grace and the courage to say, "Let it be done for me, through, with, and in Jesus." Fiat means "let it be done." I was tolerating things (symptoms, relationships, stressors) that became "normal" in my life that were not healthy or normal. I knew if I wanted to be well, I needed Jesus at the center of every aspect of my life, and if I wanted to help others to be well, I needed to invite them to do the same. And so, I surrendered, shifted into total reliance on Christ, and fully invited Him into everything.

I remember praying-- "I can't do this alone, but You can through me, and so I trust You, Jesus: help me, help others." Reform changed me, and I pray it changes you, too. My faith saved me; I pray it saves you, too.


Kyle Walter


Brother John Kenny