Kyle Walter


Hey everyone! My name is Kyle Walter and this is a very brief overview of my reversion story. I was baptized as an infant in the Catholic Church and received my first communion when in elementary school; however, I can’t remember either. I did not go through Confirmation as a child. My parents divorced when I was five years old and I have no memories of attending church as a family. Growing up the only time I attended church was on the major holidays, and even that was hit or miss. I always felt drawn to God, but I didn’t understand anything about the Faith, nor did I have anyone to show me the way. I recall asking my father to go to mass with me in my teenage years, but it was not a good experience and I wrongfully blanketed Catholics as a whole as hypocrites. At eighteen years old I attended the police academy in Daytona Beach, Florida. I became a sworn law enforcement officer just a couple of weeks after my nineteenth birthday and completely immersed myself into the profession. In the eyes of the world, I was doing great and was having a very successful career. I found myself on multiple specialized units to include SWAT and K9. In 2015 I married my high school sweetheart, also a fallen away Catholic, outside of the Church. My wife was also very successful in her own career as a Sonographer, but our schedules left us rarely seeing each other. In 2016 my first son was born. Many would say I was “living the dream”, but I found myself in a state of continuous unhappiness, battling with identity and insecurity issues. I was on a never-ending pursuit to prove my own self-worth and I didn’t know what was missing. In 2017 I moved my family to the State of Montana hoping for a fresh start. I thought the mountains were calling me, but it was actually God. By His grace I was partnered with a devout Catholic man who boldly professed his faith to me. I attended RCIA and my wife and I were officially married in the Church. I went through Confirmation in April of 2019. I exited the profession of law enforcement and am currently the COO at a supplement company. My wife is now a stay-at-home mom and we just had our fourth son in March of this year. I’ve learned the importance of surrounding yourself with other faithful individuals, but also the fact that at the end of the day having a personal relationship with Christ is a decision you have to make on your own. My faith life has been a path full of ups and downs and I look forward to sharing a more detailed look into my journey during this live with David Patterson!


Mari Pablo


Jackie Mulligan