Mari Pablo


Here is the story of a “preacher’s kid” who finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to the Lord.

I grew up in a Dominican and Palestinian family in Miami, FL. My parents are very involved in the Charismatic movement and founded “La Communidad Siervos de Cristo Vivo” in USA. I grew up going to conferences with thousands of people and I saw the miracles of the Bible (the blind see, the lame walk, etc.) happen before my eyes. Even though this was amazing, there needs to be a moment where you choose to be Catholic not because of your parents, but because you desire to have your own relationship with the Lord. For me, there were 2 key moments…

1) I almost died.

2) I served as a Life Teen Summer Missionary at Camp Covecrest

My childhood was spent in and out of hospitals. I had 13 ear surgeries, and when I was 8 I was diagnosed with a fatal condition. Through the intercession of many prayer warriors God gave me a miracle! Through the surgeries and pain, I learned to pray to the Holy Spirit and began my own relationship with the Lord. Yet being Catholic is HARD! I lived a lukewarm lifestyle for many years until my reversion that began at camp. I didn't even know what Life Teen was! The Lord wrecked my life in the best way possible especially through the Sacraments! From there I made many difficult but necessary life changes.

I transferred to Franciscan University where I double majored in Theology and Psychology because I am a firm believer that we all need Jesus and a counselor! I became a youth minister in New Orleans, then moved back to Miami to be the CM and Morality/Sacraments teacher at my alma mater for 8 years. I currently serve parishes and universities across America with The Evangelical Catholic.

In the past few years God has reminded me that His plans are WAY better than mine! From teaching, to working with Ascension Press, to speaking and more. I have a passion for serving youth and have been given the opportunity to travel and speak across the nation in English and Spanish to help people encounter Him.

I adore my family, especially my niece and nephew! I have a deep love for FOOD, huge devotion to the Sacred Heart, and love TOB! I also enjoy hiking, traveling, dancing, and axe throwing. My main goal is to simply to be God's instrument and I strive to do that by choosing to give my yes to the Lord each day.


Adam Minihan & David Niles


Kyle Walter