Joe Melendrez


I was introduced to JESUS by Puff Daddy in 2000. I was an 8th grader and had just got into Hip Hop music. Puff released an album called FOREVER and track 17 on that album was called BEST FRIEND. The track was about JESUS being puff’s best friend. This was the first Christian/ Worship song I’d ever heard. It resonated with me. It planted a seed of faith and made me want to make JESUS my best friend.

2 years after my intro to JESUS from Puff Daddy, I was invited to attend a TEEN A.C.T.S. Retreat at Holy Spirit Parish in San Antonio TX. I was 15 and a freshman at Central Catholic High School. Still not really having a solid faith foundation in my life.

It was on that retreat that I had an encounter with the Lord. During this encounter I started weeping. Crying tears I’d never felt before. I was overwhelmed in the best way possible by God’s love. I knew He was real and the love I felt wasn’t just for me… it was for everyone.

I decided that Sunday after leaving the retreat that people had to know. I had to do whatever I could do to introduce JESUS to others. So it was then that I said “yes” and got to work. I had a lot to figure out as I wasn’t very familiar with Mass, the sacraments, the Rosary, youth group and adoration to name a few. However, the journey ahead was exciting and I was open and ready to learn.

Jesus has taught me that He’s way closer than we think. We are all super connected to God and each other through the Holy Spirit.

As adults we tend to over complicate God. It’s actually quite easy to have a beautiful and thriving relationship with Him. We must go back to the basics, have faith like a Child. We need to stop trying to box Him in or define Him. No matter how much study we get we will never be able to fully understand God. And that’s a good thing. Instead we must accept the beautiful mystery that God is.

I have found when I just accept God as God… I’m able to let God do what He does best. Love me.


Mark Piendel


Jackie Angel