Mark Piendel


Born and raised in Roswell, GA, I grew up in an incredible Catholic family. I attended all public schools including the University of Georgia where I graduated in Marketing and Spanish. In terms of my interests, I have always had a love for the outdoors, manifested specifically in fishing, bow hunting, sports, hiking, camping, etc. I have a deep passion for laughing, smiling, and spending time with people, where I tend to see Christ most clearly. I also enjoy music (playing and listening), board games, and eating some delicious food, especially crawfish boil with the family. All that is to say, God never gives me a dull moment!

In the spiritual realm, growing up, I learned the importance of being a man for others, particularly inspired by my family. My parents are successful entrepreneurs, my brother is in the military, and my sister is studying to become a doctor. Modeled by my family’s example of humility and service, along with my upbringing in the Life Teen, I quickly realized that God also has a bold plan for my life. This bold plan eventually took the form of me joining the seminary, where I am studying to become a priest of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. I am currently studying at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, FL.

So, you might ask, how did I become crazy (inspired by the Spirit) enough to join the seminary?

Well, after I tried for a while to live life for myself, things didn’t seem to be working out. Between several serious injuries, losing entire groups of friends, and making a fool of myself constantly, I found myself back in the chapel. Understanding that I had to return to my roots of living for others, I began a slow process which led me to prayer.

Although there are many varying reasons for my vocational call, personal prayer really changed everything for me. In college, the habit of loving God and allowing myself to receive His love during daily, consistent prayer, shaped (and still shapes) the lens through which I see life. It wasn’t a quick process, but one of always showing up and trusting that the Lord was working, no matter the feelings I felt.

As I approached the end of my college career and started considering future occupations, the Lord began to bring up clear signs towards the priesthood, bringing up calls to the priesthood from the past. From the first significant call of priesthood at the end of a Steubenville Conference in high school, to praying for physical signs to the priesthood later in college, God showed Himself pointing me towards priesthood quite clearly (at least as I look back).

Although the miracles of seeing signs were incredible graces, I knew I was truly called when God gave me the grace to have His Sacred Heart after I prayed for it specifically in adoration. Upon asking for His Sacred Heart to replace my weak heart, I suddenly felt the individual struggles and sadness of everyone else in the chapel, accompanied by a deep love for each person there. This love came out of Jesus’ love as a Father to His children. I soon felt God say in my heart, “You can do something about this, you can be my priest.” Although these were not audible words, they are still written on my heart as if they were. I have never been so in love as I am right now with Jesus Christ, and the mission of the salvation of souls as a spiritual father.

I am still baffled that I would be lucky enough to be called here. I guess that’s why the motto of is “all grace!”


Maria Brock


Joe Melendrez