Emilie Spence


Like many others before me, my Catholic life began at a very young age. My mother made sure from birth to take care of myself and my sibling's souls first by taking us to Holy Mass every Sunday and making sure we completed our initial sacraments.

From then it's just been second nature to fear the Lord in a healthy positive way. I never thought anything of it to be honest, and for most of my life I had no idea some people didn't even believe in our Lord. When I was young, I found most of my friend's parents loved having me around their kids because I was always "the church girl" which essentially meant I was a good influence. Which I didn't mind, didn't fully understand, but also took for granted.

I've always loved our Lord (mostly because I was told to) and it wasn't until I was in my early 20s that I really gave my YES to Him. When I first went off to University, it was my first time away from home and a stable environment. My campus was far from the closest church and buses back then shut down early on Sundays so it was also the first time I wasn't attending Mass on a weekly basis. I didn't realize it then but when you separate yourself from the Holy Eucharist long enough, you deprive yourself of Jesus and that's when Satan can seep in slowly and begin his work. That's what happened. I started living a not-so Christian life, and slowly I started to lose myself without even knowing.

After 2 years of little schooling, and a lot of sinning, I dropped out of university and went back home. I was miserable, lost, and exhausted. After trying to find happiness again through earthly changes like redecorating my room, changing my hair style, dating new men, etc. my mom suggested I needed to fix my soul first. And so she introduced me to the youth group at our local church and I started volunteering with her. It took a good 3 Edge Nights to like and appreciate the kids that joined our youth group, and a good 3 months for me to fall in love with our Lord again. I pushed Him so far away that I honestly didn't think He would ever love me again, (one of the lies the enemy planted in my head while I was away from Home).

But He kept pursuing and calling me back. Within those 3 months, I was blessed to attend different Catholic events (LJHR, Edge Camp, ‪March 4‬ Life, Leader Training Days, Life Teen Retreats, etc.) that brought me back to relationship with Him. I also took advantage of the sacraments He graciously provided for us too, as well as Adoration.

From then on I've been set free. My life has completely changed for the better and I couldn't imagine being in a different place. I feel like the most important part of my YES, is that I have to consciously continuously say it and accept Jesus in my heart every day. It didn't just end there that one day 6 years ago, I say Yes every moment of every day as I love my husband, take care of our daughter, or guide my students to Christ as their Youth Minister.

My advice to everyone is to try and surround yourself with good authentic people who care for you and pray for/with you. And it doesn't hurt to go volunteer at your parish - you never know where God will send you when you're open to His call!


Sister Amanda


Kathleen & Jesse Leblanc