Juliana Markelj


My friendship with Jesus has been a constant in my life. As with all relationships, there are highs and lows, moments where I feel so close to Him and moments where I do not; but despite the changes in my feelings and emotions, I know that He’s always been with me.

I am a cradle Catholic; I was born and raised in a Catholic home by very loving and supportive parents. As the eldest of five children, I have been blessed with the gift of growing up with some of my best friends. Going to Mass on Sunday was a given, and we’d pray as a family every day. From attending Vacation Bible School camps to singing all the songs on my Bible Action Song CD on a Saturday morning, my faith was a normal and fun part of my life! I feel extremely grateful for the opportunities and the people who made my childhood faith so alive.

In my pre-teen years, I continued to grow in my faith through my family and involvement in faith-based camps. From grade 6-8, I attended the EDGE youth ministry program with some friends at my home parish. Come grade 9, however, I was too afraid to attend Life Teen by myself and convinced myself that I wouldn’t fit in. The summer after grade 9 I attended my first Catholic Youth Conference, Steubenville Toronto 2014. I went in not knowing what to expect and, quite honestly, I was feeling a little nervous. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, it was this experience that kickstarted what God would continue to do in my life in the upcoming years. I was blown away by the witness of so many young Catholics, was deeply impacted by the words of the speakers, and experienced Jesus personally in Eucharistic Adoration. I left that conference knowing who I was and what that meant for my life. It set my heart on fire and left me wanting more.

That September I gained the courage to finally attend a Life Teen night at my parish, even though I didn’t have a friend to go with me. After the Life Night, I went to talk to our new youth minister, and she ended up asking me if I would serve as a leader for EDGE. I said “yes”, and the following Friday I was a part of the EDGE Crew Team and began attending Life Teen regularly. Youth ministry offered me countless opportunities to deepen my relationship with Jesus and to make amazing Christ-centered friendships. Serving and participating in ministry was a place where I felt like I truly belonged. It was a place where I could be fully myself; it felt like home.

When I moved away to university, my faith was something that I knew I couldn’t lose. I decided to make it a priority by attending Mass regularly on my own and getting involved with the Catholic club on campus. The summer after first year, God fulfilled a growing desire that He put on my heart years ago to be a missionary for Totus Tuus summer camp; a camp that I was deeply impacted by as a teen. Moreover, I am grateful for the many opportunities Catholic Christian Outreach has provided me with to continue putting Christ at the centre of my life in my vocation as a student.

My life and my faith are certainly not perfect, but it is humbling to see the people and opportunities God has placed throughout my life which have continued to inspire me and call me to greatness every day. I resonate deeply with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s words, “Do not be afraid of Christ. He takes nothing away and He gives you everything.” In saying “yes” to Christ, He has truly given me everything, and I couldn't imagine my life without this friendship.

Lastly, in reflecting on what God has done in my life, I can see that in every step He has been calling me to a deeper trust in Him. In recent years He’s made me more aware of this invitation, but never was I able to so clearly understand until this year…


Joe Farris


Keith Nester