Jake Khym
Jake is a Catholic leader with over 25 years of experience in various ministry settings. He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Catechetics. Jake offers human and pastoral formation to Catholic leaders and clergy, leads an annual Men’s Retreat in British Columbia, Canada, and co-hosts a successful Catholic podcast on healing called Restore the Glory with Dr. Bob Schuchts. Jake lives in Abbotsford, BC with his wife Heather and their three young adult children.
The Men’s Retreat 2024: Perfect Storms | September 20–22, 2024, at RockRidge Canyon in Princeton, BC.
This year’s theme is “Perfect Storms.” Through inspiring talks, the Sacraments, and outdoor adventures, Jake Khym (founder of Life Restoration Ministries) and Sam Blair (retired US Navy SEAL) will guide us through a prayerful weekend, helping us receive the perfect and transforming love of Jesus amidst life’s storms.
Registration opens July 13, 2024. For more information and to register, go to liferestoration.ca/mens-retreat.