Mallory Smyth


In 2010, I walked out of mass almost in tears thinking, “I can not be a Catholic.” I was raised in a devout Catholic family in South Louisiana. I knew Jesus, had good examples of faithful men and women in my life, and was well catechized. Still, the promises of the world eventually seemed like they would serve me better than my faith. As I entered college, slowly but surely, I left the Church.

Three years later, a moment of honesty, and utter exhaustion forced me to reckon what I had been raised to believe with how I had chosen to live. This moment led to a humble prayer, “Lord, I don’t know if You are real, but prove Yourself to me and I will jump on Your team.” He heard my prayer.

For the first time in years, I picked up a Bible. A month later I met a fiery Baptist girl whose unwavering faith blew me away. To be honest, I didn’t understand it, but I knew I wanted it. I began going to her nondenominational church at LSU and it was there that tiny ember of faith in my heart, exploded into a fire. In that church I came face to face with Jesus, the One who never stopped pursuing me. I learned how to study and memorize scripture and fell in love with God. I had become someone new, but simultaneously found a deep bitterness developing in my heart towards Catholicism.

I allowed that resentment to stew for three years. Catholicism didn’t seem to teach a Gospel centered worldview. It seemed to focus more on rules instead of a relationship with Christ. That’s what I thought, but I was wrong.

Months after I walked out of mass resolved to live as a Protestant, something in me (the Holy Spirit) drew my back to adoration. After I finished my holy hour, I sat in my car and heard God speak to me loud and clear. He wanted me back in the Catholic Church. I gave Him my yes and began to study. Over the next two years, I discovered that the Catholic Church offers the most beautiful faith in existence. It was everything I longed for and more. My response to this knowledge was to give my life to Jesus through ministry with the hope of recapturing the hearts of fallen away Catholics who know little of the beauty they left behind.

Over the past ten years I have served as a FOCUS missionary, and in women’s ministry. Today I write Bible Studies for @Walkingwithpurpose_official with the goal of introducing women to Jesus Christ through scripture. I also speak around the country telling my story, and more importantly the incredible story of Jesus and the Catholic Church. My husband and I live with our four daughters in Denver, Colorado. We are working on becoming saints as well as raising them.


Sr. Mary Elizabeth, SOLT


Trevor Wayman