Renzo & Monica Ortega


We had “the perfect love story”: high school sweethearts, married right out of college, both having a deep faith and trust in the Lord. But the first five years of marriage proved much more difficult than anticipated. The honeymoon period came and went, and we quickly found ourselves drowning. Between kids, work, and unresolved conflicts, we were more like roommates than spouses. After a career change, God radically transformed Renzo’s heart to become the husband and father God desired.

Through the writings of St. JP2 and the example of St. Joseph, God tore down and rebuilt Renzo. Through his experience, our family slowly began to heal. And through our experience we’ve learned the Jesus is never done. There is no finish line on this side of Heaven and God is constantly working things out for our good. Sometimes that can mean allowing painful situations to arise so that we can become better through them.

God continues to show He is faithful and will provide where we are lacking, and that if we rely on His grace, we can live out our vocation with confidence.

With experience in youth and young adult ministry, coaching, and facilitating marriage preparation workshops, Renzo and Monica saw that their experience in the beginning of their marriage was not unique. Marriages and families struggle to fully embrace their vocation both spiritually and practically.

They began the ministry of Two Become Family in hopes of helping to restore that confidence in marriage and family life. Using online social media ministry and the podcast Pre Cana with the Pope, their goal is to help couples (dating, engaged, and married) start the conversations that can lead to change, growth, and connection through the inspiration and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.


Katie Linendoll


Emily Mentock