Efrain Gonzalez


Hello! My name is Efrain Gonzalez-Ballesteros Jr. and I am a Varsity Catholic missionary with Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City, South Dakota. I was born and raised in Storm Lake, Iowa in a family of six. My family is originally from El Carmen, Jalisco, Mexico but moved to the United States before I was born where we left behind family and friends. I graduated from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa with an accounting degree where I also played soccer for two years. I was raised Catholic in a very faithful and God-loving family.

Despite having parents who set a great example of the Catholic faith through their personal relationships with Christ and my family being active at our local parish throughout my childhood, I personally did not care much about my faith. I still attended mass every Sunday and occasionally prayed the rosary with my family but that was about it. Growing up I participated in all kinds of sports including basketball, cross country, football, and of course soccer! Sports were always a big part of my life which really helped me stay busy and out of trouble as I grew up. It wasn’t until late high school and into my college years that I completely stopped practicing the already little faith I had and allowed myself to fall into sin.

My priorities became more focused on soccer as a college athlete and going out on the weekends. It took transferring to Drake, the COVID pandemic, losing family members, continuing to fall deeper into sin, and other struggles for me to start thinking that there had to be more to life. I came to the realization that I was not meant to live as I currently was. I didn’t know what the answer was. I didn't know where to look.

By this time, I was a senior at Drake University. But early in the first semester, I met a FOCUS missionary. We immediately became good friends and spent time playing pickleball, frisbee golf, cooking, and just hanging out. He shined the light of Jesus Christ through his joyful and loving personality. This made me start asking myself some questions. Why is it that as I am living a dream of playing Division 1 soccer I am not as happy as he is? What is it that he has that I don’t? What is missing in my life? Those questions were answered quickly as he was not afraid to talk about and share his faith. I came to know that it was his relationship with Christ.

Soon after he had invited me to go to mass with him. I had not been to mass since getting to college, but I decided to make an appearance. This then led to an invite to join his football bible study which I rejected with a crazy idea... I asked if we could try to start a bible study with my soccer team instead! So, we found 2 other guys on my team that were interested and started a bible study. This bible study quickly grew to 10+ different teammates attending at some point! This was the first time I had ever been in a bible study and really took the time to read the Word of God. I started to understand the need for God in my life. I wanted to learn more about Him and more about my Catholic faith. I began to pray and read God’s word every day, go through discipleship with the missionary and attend Sunday mass. But I continued to live in sin. After a few months of getting back into my faith, I was invited to go to confession. I accepted the invitation even though inside I was afraid. I really didn’t want to go. It had been 8+ years since I had gone to confession. I knew I hadn't been living a virtuous life. A life that would be pleasing to God. But on November 16, 2020, I went to confession at Christ the King Catholic Church with my friend.

As I slowly entered the confessional; I remember my heart racing and my body shaking. I knelt and began my confession. I suddenly felt the Lord's embrace. His love. His forgiveness. His healing power. It felt like He took chains of sin off my shoulders that I had been dragging along with me for years. This was the first time I truly encountered the Lord! As soon as I walked out, I knew I needed God. I knew I finally found what I had been searching for. I was ready to dive deeper into my faith and learn. I thirsted for Jesus.

It has been just over a year since my re-version and since then my life has changed so much. Just 5 months later I felt called to accept a full position as a college missionary for FOCUS. By saying yes, I put my complete trust in the Lord. I did not know where I would serve college students while also, having to fundraise my own salary and rely on the Lord. Through these first months of mission life, Jesus has been teaching me to trust Him and have confidence in Him. Especially, since I am not only newer to the faith but also new to the work I am doing on campus of evangelization. So, I love to think about the quote; “God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called.”

I have been blessed with great family and friends that have supported me along the journey and have made so many amazing friendships in my first year as a missionary. I can't wait to see the work the Lord will do through me while in FOCUS and beyond!

God bless you all and thank you so much for taking the time to read about my story!


Taylor Faye


Ellie Marie