Saying yes to Jesus
These are the stories that create Yes Catholic.
William Muraski
Now more than ever those circles away from Jesus are smaller and smaller and life shows it every day. I get to spend my days working to bring Youth and Families away to the mountains where Jesus comes to them in His beauty and peace
Fr. Carlos Orozco
Then Holy Week came. I was at Mass faking my way through the motions. Then, at the washing of the feet, I had an overwhelming experience of God’s grace.
John Cannon
Ultimately, my journey has been about transformation and purpose. I’ve learned that true fulfillment comes not from recognition or success, but from living a life of meaning and service. Through SENT and Monk Mindset, I aim to inspire others to seek their own encounters with grace and embrace authentic transformation.
Maria Bitelli
My story is about restoration through Jesus. The past can leave big holes, lots of pain, anger, resentment - I spent so much of my teen to adult years holding on to that anger and hurt and it wasn’t until I surrendered and let the Lord in, was I able to pull myself out from the darkness that consumed me.
Katie Weiss
I’II remember the fire that stirred in my heart in fifth grade as I saw a video of Mother Teresa. From then on, I wanted to give everything to God just like her – to be a religious sister.
Sr. Gianna Casino
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a nun. I was five years old, my eyes wide with curiosity as I tugged on my mother’s skirt. “Mama, why is she wearing those clothes?” I asked, pointing at the woman in the black and white habit.
Allie Moroney
Life is like a diamond, each facet representing a different phase. St. Paul’s words serve as a polishing cloth, wiping away the tarnish that hinders the diamond from shining.
Clare Byrne
Starting a non-profit in a third world country has been the furthest thing from easy. Over the past eight years, I have experienced the highest of highs and lowest of lows living in Uganda. I have experienced the epitome of feeling insignificant, incapable, and inadequate.
Jerome Placido
After coming back home I rediscovered a friendship with someone who greatly inspired me early on in my spiritual journey. Her deep love for our Lord in the Eucharist and her willingness to follow God’s will where ever it led her inspired me own journey towards Our Lord.
Augie Angrisano
My relationship to Jesus and the calling to calibrate my internal compass on a closer relationship with Him is what all of my blessings can be attributed to. I am still a pilgrim on a long journey to Sainthood, learning along the way.
John Edwards
John Edwards is the founder and executive director of Pew Ministries, a Catholic apostolate with the mission of bringing the person of Jesus Christ to the person in the pew.
Brian Fehringer
Without God, absolutely none of this would have been possible. My goal is to network with as many Catholic business owners as possible & glorify Him in the process. One day soon, I’d also like to start a non-profit organization helping those lost to trauma & addiction turn back to God.
Juan Manuel Delgado
In many ways, that day in the Vatican represented the culmination of my life's journey as both a devout Catholic and an artist dedicated to revealing the humanity in those I paint.
Christine Merriman
As a former First Communion Coordinator, I wanted to do something creative and helpful for my program. I wrote my first song for kids, “Good Morning Offering,” and was inspired to share it on social media.
Jared Staudt
R. Jared Staudt, PhD serves as Director of Content for Exodus 90 and as an instructor for the lay division of St. John Vianney Seminary.
Fr. John Abad
Perseverance is an important Christian virtue. To see human realities through the eyes of Christ summarizes every action of a good Christian.
Sincerely Alanis
You might know me as the AOH Girl, the Modesty Girl or the “We’re Catholic, of course we __” Girl… but above all else, I am ‘Daughter of The King’ & for this title (& my Father), I boast!